"If we created a world without life on it, it wouldn't be a world: it would be an empty planet." I create visual novels about stories I'd like to read. I hope you like 'em too!
Although part of me, given the emotional ups and downs I've been getting regarding this movie, has me wanting to call you a kill-joy, I shall not.
Instead I will wish you luck and tell you not to stress over it. If you are trying, that's all any fan can ever ask. So just breath, take your time, and post it when you can.
Although part of me, given the emotional ups and downs I've been getting regarding this movie, has me wanting to call you a kill-joy, I shall not.
Instead I will wish you luck and tell you not to stress over it. If you are trying, that's all any fan can ever ask. So just breath, take your time, and post it when you can.